Some of the testimonials kindly offered by attendees:
"This is such a positive way to see life and to make your dreams come true, yes Alfredo is a unique person who can make you feel 1 million dollar! What a man! This session wouldn't be possible without somebody who believe in life, in dream and love. Fantastic Workshop". Nadia, UK.
Very inspiring, gave me the courage to be who I am, remember my dream, and go for it! Olga, UK.
"How the individual laws were explained and the sequence they are put together its very encouraging and empowering, that all is in my own hands and the Universe will always support me. Easy to understand and very practical tools to develop your life from your true nature and manifest who you truly are." Johanes, UK.
"I recommend others attending "The 8 Laws of Success" because it is valuable to have insights in to aspects of life that people have yet to discover in order to be happier and healthier." Kauser, UK.
"Easy to understand. No heavy jargon. Accessible for everyone. The workshop came around again for me at the right time. Thank you Alfredo" Nicola, UK.
You are a wonderful speaker, very eloquent, very engaging with a lovely turn of phrase and you used delightful examples. It was at times almost like poetry! "You created an environment that felt friendly and safe a space where it is ok to express/feel emotions. I would recommend others attending, especially if they need to boost to self confidence. I really enjoyed" Zoe, UK.
"It gave me the chance to recognise the power I have of creating my own reality. I recommend others attending "The 8 Laws of Success" because people have to awake and recognise this power inside themselves. Thank you Alfredo" Sandra, Spain.